
 How can I call a command line executable from within PHP?

Check out the "Program Execution functions" here :...

 How can I take a list and make each row a value in an array?

If you have a text file that looks like this : john|orange|cow sam|green|goat...

 How to redirect from php page to another php page?

For redirecting, you can use the PHP header() function like so : header("Location :...

 How to refresh a page?

To do a refresh, you can use HTML meta tag such as :That'll refresh to example.php in four (4)...

 I have starting to know a bit of PHP, now how do I...?

---------------------------Introductory PHP Tutorials :---------------------------(in no...

 I used PHP for one of the web sites I would like to move over to your hosting service. Is PHP fully supported and (if so) what versions of PHP are supported?

Yes, PHP is fully supported and we do support PHP 4 and 5.

 I'm new to PHP, and would like to know if there is a code snippet for emailing a lost password to a subcriber?

First, we must assume that you are currently storing the username/login, password and the email...

 I'm new to PHP, where should I start?

You can refer the following link to understand about PHP code,The official PHP web site as a lot...

 Is it possible to have MySQL and PHP run with one provider and the "database driven website" with the other? Say with the help of only SSI / CGI?

Yes. Let your CGI/SSI include from the urls on your other site. On your other site you return...

 PHP Mail authentication

Please use the PHP Pear mail authentication, this is to prevent spammer to access the php normal...

 What does parsing means in PHP?

Parsing is the process where the php source code (.php, .php3, .php4, .phtml or whatever) is...

 What is the essence of PHP encryption(using crypt(), mcrypt(), etc)if data on transit isn't safe?

The apathetic response is, of course, "there is no point."  If you allowed a login over...

 What's the best way to start writing a PHP program?

Firstly figure out, on paper, exactly what you want to do. Otherwise, you'll just be coding...

 Where can I get documentation for the Zend API?

First, here's the official website :

 Why I couldn't fetch my variable from the form?

Register_Globals directive is set to OFF because of potential security issues.  PHP has this...