How many servers does SeekDotNet have and where are they located?

We have over 200 servers at our data center at The Planet in Dallas, Texas.

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Transfer website to us without any downtime

To complete the transfer of your domain from other registrar to SeekDotNet without any downtime,...

Are your servers Unix / Linux, or Windows 2003?

All run on Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 (old servers), SQL Server...

Backup policy, Do you provide backups?

You are responsible for your backups and web content.We create our own daily backups on the...

How do I create and restore my own backup?

You can create your own backup from your control panel access and it will be stored to your...

Bandwidth policies and prices

Bandwidth is the amount of data (web, FTP, database, mail) that can be transferred to and from...